Please! Not a self centered celebration

December 21, 2007

Some people agree and others do not about the 25th December as a celebration of the birth of our Lord  Jesus. What I would like to share is not about the date but , about what people might think about Christmas, it’s time for families to come together and have a fellowship a great feast ,exchange presents, games for the small ones, everybody just enjoy it after year of  hard works etc… But I look  at the original picture: The World was falling into sin, Satan took control over men and women whom God was creating. God made a plan ,He is going to redeemed , how ? The SON? He must go down but He can’t go with all of this glory with Him, oh Yes, the Bible says “Who being in very nature of  God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made  himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness” ( NIV Philipians 2:6-7 ). The result : IMMANUEL: God with us.

I see this attitude in this picture. His obedience to the Father , nothing was done for Himself, he has considered us more than himself. Unfortunately I see Christmas more about ourselves , our comfort, our own happiness…

“Oh Lord help us to have the same attitude which you had , may each one of us will celebrate Christmas in a little bit different ways. We would like to give up to our own comfort , we would love to be your hands and feet and heart , touching lives so more people would really understand the meaning of Christmas : God with them”   

If the billions of Christians will make a commitment to bless just one other person, the world would look and feel differently just the next morning.

May this dream will come through, it can happen and can be done. If we are a “LET’S DO” PEOPLE